There are principal habits that make us excel professionally, socially and seemingly come in 7’s. Though these versions all vary, their fundamental idea is universal. When it comes to adjusting, the 7 highly effective habits are: Communication, Time Management, Computer Proficiency, Integrity, Insurance Policy Knowledge and Applications, Contruction and Engineerying Knowledge, and Innovation and the Will to Succeed. These habits are equally significant in our world, but we’ll begin with communication.
As a claims adjuster, it’s imperative that you possess, or spend time developing, resilient communication skills. Claims professionals are usually the singualr point of contact between the insured and the insurer. When working in the field, you will excperience a variety of emotions from the insured – distraught to muddled, and at times skeptical. An emphasis on your communication style and approach, including body language, is a top priority. It sets the stage.
You will not know what to expect from the insured until the first point of contact. An informal and effective way to begin exploring the best communication style for the situation is taking the time to listen and engage the insured during this initial contact. When scheduling the meeting with the insured, this conversation will allow you to ask questions about the severity of the damages they’ve experienced, listen to their tone of voice to detect their state of mine, and open a space for you to set the tone for the meeting. For instance, if the insured is emotionally overwhelmed, slightly slow and soften your tone of voice to create a patient, yet cordial and professional communication platform which will automatically calm and soothe them. It’s incredible the impact our tone of voice has over the phone or in person.
Customer service is always be at the forefront of how we conduct business and represent our employers, and adjusting is no different. Observe, be sympathetic to the situation and always be professional!